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The Makous Protocol
The Makous Protocol-total time approx 4 hours
Section 1: Overview, Disclosures, Relevance, Objectives, Video 1 (Why choose the unique Makous Protocol), Makous Protocol ES Parameters, Video 2 (What does that mean?-understanding the parameters.) 19:08 min (19:07)
Section 1 Quiz
Section 2: Disclaimer, Liturature Review of Traditional IES, Cochran Review, History of PF IES max on and off times, NMES parameter research. 14:57 (14:57)
Section 2 Quiz
Section 3: Russian Stim, BMAC, current NMES protocols, Denervated (AC or DC) 5:10 (5:09)
Section 3 Quiz
Section 4: Book reviews, Cochran to Bergman, Makous Protocol, Current research (women and men), TvNMES, EES, why chose Makous Protocol. 9:40 (9:39)
Section 4 Quiz
Section 5: NMES for cancer patients( prostate, uterine, ovarian, bladder, breast, and externally for head and neck cancer. 8:57 (8:57)
Section 6: Factors leading to success of Makous Protocol , evidence for Makous Protocol, facts about the ES unit and IES probes and why it works. 35:5 (18:22)
Section 6 Quiz
Section 7: Background research -muscle physiology, electrophysiology. 6:14 (6:14)
Section 7 Quiz
Section 8: Determine which patients are appropriate for Makous Protocol, relative contraindication, contraindications. Video 6-Clinical Assessment skills. 20 (20:00)
Section 8 Quiz
Section 9: Creativity with the Makous Protocol using clinical scenarios . 13:03 (13:02)
Section 10: Fine tuning IES by modifying probe and body positions. 3:47 (3:46)
Section 10 Quiz
Section 11: Further IES clinical reasoning- standing vs lying, bedridden or wheelchair bound, probe "sweet spot", thin vs heavy patients, complete PFMS denervation, Theories of Makous Protocol effectiveness. 9:02 (9:02)
Section 11 Quiz
Section 12: video 7 (How I instruct patients), NMES Machine Parameter Settings Handout. 27:45 (22:45)
Section 13: Case study descriptions and outcomes. 2:01 (2:00)
Section 14: Clinical Case Study 1 (Severe Grade 3/ Stage IV by POP-Q Prolapse with UUI and Hesitancy). 13:46 (13:46)
Section 15: Case study 2 (TURP leading to Severe UI, Chronic UTI, Erectile Dysfunction). 14:21 (14:20)
Section 16: Limitations, Discussion, Summary Goals of the Makous Protocol, Future studies, Modifications to Market Products. 5:05 (5:04)
Section 17: Course Evaluation. 1+ min
Section 18: Thank You and Additional Course Info: References, acknowledgments. 2+ min
Section 19: Final Post Course Completion Test; Certificate; How to get on the Makous Protocol Certified Practitioner list; How to blog or write a class testimony. 8.23+ min
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Section 6 Quiz
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